Naše produktové portfolio je možné rozdělit na dvě základní části. Jsou to dodávky výkovů pro strojírenský průmysl (výrobci stavební techniky, energetických zařízení, výrobních strojů, ložisek, apod.) a dodávky výkovů pro kolejovou dopravu (obruče pro tramvaje, vlaky a metro, přítlačné kroužky, nápravy, atd.).

Z pohledu použité technologie vyrábíme zápustkové výkovky rotačních tvarů (kruhy, příruby, apod.), volné výkovky (lišty, hřídele, kruhy, kotouče, děrované kotouče, ojnice, táhla, vřetena, kostky, atd.), ale v současné době především bezešvé rozválcované kruhy (hladké kruhy, tvarové kruhy, příruby, atd.). Společnost TRIANGOLO spol. s r.o. disponuje kompletním výrobním řetězcem, tzn. že na základě požadavku a dokumentace zákaznáka zajistíme realizaci požadovaného produktu od dodávky a přípravy materiálu až po

tepelné zpracování, obrobení a kontrolu v rámci vlastních výrobních kapacit

Od roku 1998 je naše firma pravidelně certifikována dle ISO norem a vlastní certifikát jakosti TÜV Management Service.

Další významný milník rozvoje naší společnosti se nachází v roce 2017, kdy jsme se stali součástí investiční skupiny ANACOT CAPITAL. Tento významný krok nám přinesl prostor pro rozšíření našeho výrobního a dodavatelského potenciálu díky využití synergických efektů v rámci celé skupiny. Nejvýznamnějším přínosem je však nastartování nové éry rozvoje celé firmy a to jak v oblasti obchodu a výroby, tak i v oblasti lidských zdrojů, inovací či modernizace strojního parku a budov.


ELFE, spol. s r. o. operates in Krnov in the Bruntál district. It was founded on 1.2.1993.

1993 - 1994

Production of advertising panels, in-house development and production of wet leather grinding machines.

2000 - 2004

Production of special components from various materials for medical equipment. Production of technologically demanding components and equipment for surface mining machines, such as platforms, closed screw conveyors, basic frames for mining machines. Manufacture of equipment and spare parts for steelworks and steelworks and basic frames for air conditioning units.

2010 - 2014

Due to the global economic crisis, supplies to large customers such as IP Huse were reduced and ELFE looked for new opportunities.

2020 - 2024

Cooperation with customer OSS, a member of the multinational SCHLUMERGER Group, continues in the production of UTA/SDU frames, the "MUDMAT" seabed foundation platforms. As part of this group, we have also started to supply Brazil. The cooperation within the Anacot Group with V-Nass is also deepening, especially the painting of parts for Technip FMC. With Triangolo, we are working on production - machining for the machining of railway wheels. ELFE successfully passed the audit at Technip FMC.

1995 - 1999

Manufacture of rolling mill table parts for steel mills. In the year 2000, the production was reoriented to the demanding components of machines for surface mining of minerals, the main focus being the production of closed screw conveyors.

2005 - 2009

Development of the production of winch equipment and other equipment for "offshore", i.e. parts for the marine industry and offshore platforms. This development was supported by investments in the expansion of the company's production capacity, which included the renovation of production halls A, B and welfare facilities and the construction of a new production hall C. The construction of production halls D, E, F and the administration building was also completed in these years with a total investment of approximately CZK 200 million. In 2005, Elfe was certified for the first time according to ISO 9001 requirements and with the arrival of major customers, especially I.P.HUSE, the coating specifications according to NORSOK requirements began to be applied.

2015 - 2019

ELFE starts supplying components for subsea oil and gas production. Cameron is now a major customer. These demanding products, which include UTA and SDU frames, well control technology bases and other assembly parts, have gained a prominent place in ELFE's product portfolio. ELFE has successfully passed nomination audits by Chevron, Siemens, Hamm , GE, IHC and others. During this period, a test bench for stress testing for an OSS customer is also commissioned. In 2019, we have implemented the order of Flap valves for the Gabčíkovo waterworks from Metrostav.


ELFE spol. s r.o. is an important, reliable, competitive and specialized supplier in the field of engineering units. Our customers are major global manufacturers of equipment for the extraction and transportation of oil, gas and minerals, marine handling equipment and transport technology. Our efforts are mainly focused on these areas:

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ELFE is continuously building a quality management system. The aim is to increase the quality of our products, prevent errors, improve delivery reliability and meet the binding requirements and needs of our customers. The basis of this system is a process of continuous improvement.

Owners of ELFE

By improving the performance of all processes within an integrated management system, ELFE ensures the efficient use of resources, the growth of the company's value and its further development.
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ELFE staff

ELFE recognizes that employees are the company's greatest asset and that the reliable performance of each employee is a necessary condition for the performance of the entire company. Therefore, it creates fair relations with its employees, increases their professional level and awareness, takes care of their working conditions, motivates and involves employees in the process of improvement.
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ELFE suppliers

Our suppliers make a significant contribution to ensuring the quality of our products. That is why we develop them, build fair relationships with them, and place emphasis on delivering the highest possible quality in relation to price.

Local region and legislation

ELFE is aware of and responsibly complies with all legislative and statutory requirements relating to our processes and products, including environmental and occupational health and safety legislation.
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ELFE is committed to protecting the environment, meeting its mandatory obligations and minimising the environmental impact of its activities, with an emphasis on pollution prevention and continuous improvement of the management system to enhance performance.
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Health protection

The health of our employees is a core value for us and ELFE is therefore committed to continuously improving our occupational health system. The basis of this system is to ensure safe and healthy working conditions with the prevention of occupational hazards, i.e. the elimination of hazards and the reduction of risks and the continuous improvement of the occupational safety system. Of course, compliance with legal requirements and consultation with and participation of workers, or their representatives, is a matter of course.

We are improving our preventive approach to environmental and occupational health and safety issues and assessing the situation in accordance with current legislation – the ecology at ELFE is in compliance with environmental regulations.